Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Well, Anyways, I've been programming and delving into Linux alot lately. I've learned some really cool commands, and things to do with my box. I spent the day trying out different window managers, and it kinda put some ideas into my head, about getting perhaps a low end computer and setting it up as some sort of server, or some lightweight help, whenever I get money or
time to afford such equipment. What I need is another computer which I can do load managing on.

Karl had changed the firmware on a simple wireless router, to make it a bridge to Ethernet, thus saving tons of money, for something that should have been much simpler. Anyways, I need my room back at my house to be wired up with Ethernet. I would prefer any permanent equipment like a desktop to be firmly hooked in.

What I would do is just put the computer somewhere hidden, link it up to the network and use my laptop to remotely connect to it. Blackbox was pretty cool. Then I learned some pretty nifty commands, like import - a terminal program that will take a screenshot, but more
configurable and powerful setup - simple Redhat setup program (terminal)

I think i fixed the problem with not being able to browse music shares on other computers with banshee. If, it was fixed properly, and it was indeed the problem, it lies within SELinux, I was blocking NFS, and I was unaware, so with that cleared up, I should be able to browse things just fine. But then again I haven't tried it just yet.

Among other things I spent some time browsing forums, learning about the community a bit, and neglecting my schoolwork (not cool). Linux is really awesome, and I'm glad to have this learning opportunity.

Blessings until next time.

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